Mission & Impact
Helping outdoor enthusiasts inspire collective climate action at the local level.
Our Mission
Footprints supports equitable climate resilience by giving individuals the mentorship,
network, and self-development opportunities they need to produce collective action
at the local level. We curate shared outdoor experiences that create value-aligned
community, deepen environmental awareness, and nurture compassionate and
confident changemakers.
Founded by trail runners, Footprints strives to make trail running and the outdoors
accessible and safe for all people. And we believe that protecting our planet and one
another from a changing climate is challenging, humbling, and worthwhile.
Our Vision
We envision a livable and sustainable planet where all people can benefit from, be challenged by, and find awe in the natural world.
Our Values
Everyone deserves access to the outdoors and opportunities to protect it. Footprints values demographic and experiential diversity and the democratization of outdoor recreation and sports, including trail running. We are committed to making all programming accessible to all participants, inclusive of but not limited to one’s age, disability, income, race and ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and experience outdoors.
Facing climate change requires unprecedented cooperation. Footprints values intrapersonal accountability, sharing responsibility, and solving problems together because it’s emotionally fulfilling and critical to our mission.
We are stewards of our world and its people. Footprints values active listening and appreciating the perspective of others. We believe we can change how we relate to the planet and one another.
Collective action is impossible without personal conviction. Footprints values grounded decision making and the power of trusting one’s self to trust others.
We all have much to learn. Footprints values the willingness to be challenged, the importance of internalizing new lessons, and the development of a growth mindset. We reject competition and personal triumph as primary motivations for our work.
We are responsible for one another—and this one planet. We recognize that our environments are home to human and non-human life. Through both our individual conduct and collective action outdoors, Footprints restores, protects, and respects ecosystems for future generations of all life.
Preparing for, responding to, and thriving despite climate change is lifelong work. Footprints values perseverance because failure is inevitable, and our mission is absolutely worthwhile. We do not exalt suffering — on the trail or in the world.
What We Do
In-person camps
We bring participants together for immersive in-person experiences that build self-efficacy, powerful personal connections, and leadership ability. These experiences, or camps, run from 5-7 days and bring a group of roughly 15 participants together with a group of five mentors from a variety of professional backgrounds selected for their collective ability to guide the participants’ climate action journeys. Over the week we live, work, and play together; using running as a social glue and shared passion. We share time outside on the trails and work together inside over the week across a variety of workshop sessions that cultivate leadership skills, define strategies for participants’ projects, and build community.
Ongoing mentorship
After each camp, we support graduates with a program of ongoing mentorship designed to keep project momentum moving forward. We do this by providing graduates with a sense of community via ongoing small-group sessions, holding structured check-ins on their project to identify successes and obstacles, providing further education, and connecting them with additional mentorship and job opportunities.
Financial Assistance
Footprints is committed to making all programming accessible to all participants, regardless of financial circumstance. In 2024, we awarded more than $5,000 in financial assistance and expanding this capacity is a top fundraising priority.

Our Journey So Far
Camp graduates with grassroots climate action projects
Week-long camps
in two countries
Volunteer mentor roster