
Students, established professionals, artists, businesspeople, and activists, all united by a shared goal to elevate climate action in their communities

Our graduates have come to Footprints from many walks of life and approach climate action in many ways. We’ve worked with university students just starting their climate action journeys, to established professionals who want to improve their skills specifically in climate action.

Click on any graduate to read their biography, more about the project they worked on at Footprints, what they most need assistance with, and the trajectory they’re headed in.

Note: this page is under construction and will be updating with additional graduates in the coming weeks!

Ready to accelerate your impact?

Interested in getting involved?

We’re building a community of runners taking action on climate and supporting each other at every step along the way. It’s an all-hands-on-deck kind of situation, and we’re grateful for all the help we can get.

Want to be a mentor at one of our camps? Advise our graduates as they continue their climate action jouneys? Connect us with partnership opportunities? Let us know!