Everything you need to pack for Camp 2024


The only dress code at Camp is clean and comfortable. But weather varies so be sure to pack a week’s worth of essentials, including:

  • Underwear

  • Long underwear: for getting cozy after runs in case of chilly weather.

  • Socks: bring a lot! If you run, bring your favorite running socks, some heavier pairs, and a few cozy ones.

  • Pants/shorts: if you run, bring at least three of those and comfy pairs to walk around in. Bring at least one pair of casual shorts and more than one pair of long pants. The weather can change quickly and we expect nights to be chilly and days to be warm. Got some cold-weather fleece pants? You won’t regret bringing them!

  • Tops: Bring your preferred mix of athletic and casual tops.

  • Warm layers: Bring several. Heavier shirts, sweaters, softshells, and down/synthetic coats are all great. We don’t expect exceptionally cold weather, but it’s best to be prepared!

  • Rain gear: Be sure to bring a fully waterproof jacket in case we’re active outside during a drizzle. Waterproof/water-resistant pants are recommended for wind and rain.

  • Hats: Bring a hat for the sun and a hat for the cold. Something with a visor, a beanie, and a buff or scarf will keep you a happy camper.

  • Gloves: Bring a pair or two to keep your hands dry and warm.


  • Sunglasses

  • Sunscreen

  • Shoes: We recommend bringing at least two pairs of athletic or running shoes and whatever else you’d like for the rest of the time. Sandals are okay but bring at least one pair of closed-toed shoes. You may spend extended time outside on your feet so choose wisely!

  • Running pack: Most campers bring a running pack or small pack that can hold snacks, water, and warm clothing. Runners should expect to be out for as much as 3 hours at a time (folks who choose to run can go at any pace you choose and stop at anytime).

  • Medical essentials: if you have any health conditions or take any medications, please be prepared to take care of yourself. We will also ask campers to share relevant health information with us. Our staff is trained as first responders and will carry medical kits.

  • Poles: optional. If you like them, bring them!

  • Computer: recommended. Developing any project requires a laptop and our lodging and meeting areas will have wifi. You will be able to charge devices. If this poses a burden, please let us know in your application!

  • Project-specific materials: each project is unique! If there are any books, software tools, or other devices that are crucial to the development of your project, please bring them within reason. If you’re unsure whether you should bring something, bring it!

  • Sleeping bag not required. Your bed will have everything you need!


Announcing Camp 2024